Enjoy a glass of milk...
Enjoy a glass of milk...
Enjoy a glass of milk...


Kerutabs tablets can support you if you suffer from lactose intolerance but would still sometimes like to enjoy a delicious soft ice cream, yoghurt or other food that contains lactose. When someone is lactose intolerant, it means that their body does not produce enough of the substance known as lactase. The tablets are a good supplement if you are lactose intolerant but would like to enjoy milk products or products containing milk every now and then. Kerutabs contains lactase, a natural enzyme. Using lactase tablets improves lactose digestion. Avoiding milk products or products containing milk? With Kerutabs you don’t always need to do this.

Kerutabs for lactose intolerance

Kerutabs tablets are suitable for both children and adults who are lactose intolerant. It is important that the lactase tablets are consumed just before you eat or drink products containing milk. The dose can vary per person because the level of lactase deficiency also differs per person. So you should decide how many tablets to take based on personal experience. Do bear in mind that each time you consume lactose-containing meals or products, you will need to take more tablets. The reason for this is that the lactase is broken down and only remains active in the intestines for a short period of time.

Kerutabs: easy to use

Kerutabs tablets are available in packs of 15, 45 and 100 and you can purchase Kerutabs via this website or if you live in the Netherlands or Belgium also at your local pharmacist. Using these lactase tablets as dietary supplement will enable you to enjoy milk products again every now and then! If you have any questions about our tablets or you would like more information about Kerutabs, please visit our Frequently asked questions page on lactase tablets. If you have a specific question or your question isn’t listed in the Frequently asked questions, please feel free to contact us.